Friday 28 March 2014

Recommendations Anyone?

While I was out shopping today I noticed a lot of toothbrushes, toothpastes, etc on sale. It occurred to me that pretty soon I was going to be going through a LOT more oral hygiene products.

As someone that is very particular about taking care of my teeth (sitting through having 8 fillings replaced changes a person) I have come to find favourite products over the last few years. Also being a creature of habit means I rarely stray from them.

Currently I used Pearl White daily whitening toothpaste, Colgate Max White Sonic toothbrush/ Colgate 360 Sonic depending on which I grab at the time, Plackers floss picks, and Listerine Whitening plus enamel protection mouthwash.

As you can see that's a lot of whitening products. I realise though that once I get attachments on my teeth this perhaps is not the best idea as I don't want to have any spots on my teeth when I have them removed.

So my question is: does anyone have any good recommendations for non-whitening products that work well? Keep in mind I'm in Australia so my brand options are pretty much Colgate, Oral B, Macleans, Sensodyne, Pronamel, Listerine, and maybe a couple more I'm missing.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


  1. You can continue to use your current products! No worries about using non whitening... you won't have strange splotches after they remove your attachments. I currently whiten with Crest White Strips (I apply and then put my trays back in) and previously was whitening with gel in my Invisalign trays! The products you mentioned are fine... the only difference will be is that you will use them more often during the day!!

    1. PS I am on my refinements and had my attachments removed while waiting for the new trays - no problems! You can check out my blog. I posted pictures right after I left the dentists office that day. :)
